Impact Days with Take MAR

Being nature means we need to connect with other gifts that nature offers as often as possible. We have constructed physical barriers that remove us from who we are and what we are: nature.

When we reawaken or regenerate our connectedness, it is an experience that appeals to all of our senses: from the sound of the waves crashing, to the feeling of rain on your head, or the warmth of the sun on your skin. Water, the ground, the air we breathe all have a natural capacity to awaken our souls. A great example of this is how being close to any bodies of water actually makes humans happier and calmer. According to Wallace J. Nichols, a marine biologist, refers to this phenomenon as the Blue Mind. Our minds become meditative when we are near, in, or under water. Water boosts creativity, lowers stress and anxiety, and increases serotonin in the brain. 

This brief introduction into Blue Mind is to show you how the Earth’s bodies of water are essential to our mind, body and soul. This is why impact days were created. Every month we decided to come together and have a day of impact to protect, clean, regenerate, and give thanks to our Earth and community. Whether it's on the Pinellas Trail weeding and watering plants or on Egmont Key cleaning up the beaches, we take one day a month (at least) to be of service and help protect what we love. 

We don't want to remind you of all the trash that surrounds us, (plastic being one of the most detrimental one to our environment), but we want to take this time to remind you of how some small changes can lead to big rewards.

Join us on one of our Impact Days, and if you are not available or local to the area, grab a trash bag (we use biodegradable or reusable ones) and pick up trash in your neighborhood, plant a tree, help out a neighbor, and remember that you can protect our planet.   


New Year to take MAR