New Year to take MAR

Regeneration means putting life at the center of every action and decision. It is inclusive, engaging, and generous. And everyone can do it. ( 

We hope you have reflected on all your experiences, journeys, and challenges for 2022, and now we move on to 2023. How will you choose to embrace this new year? Most will call them their new year’s resolutions, but we would like to call them our action plan for a healthier you and a healthier planet. 

We put together a list of potential action plans that support creating a stronger connection with nature for your new year ahead, and we express our gratitude to you and our planet. 

  • Plant a seed. There is nothing more rewarding than looking at a seed you planted growing into fruition. Smell it, touch it, speak to it, and observe it, if it's edible, eat it! Just the small action of touching soil, nurturing a living plant is one step closer to a healthier connection with nature. 

  • Grab a book and read outside. Whether it's in a hammock, on the grass, or at the beach, dive deep into a good book while breathing in fresh air, and listening to the sounds of life. 

  • If you are creative or wanting to try something new, start drawing nature, or photograph nature. Spend time admiring the beauties of nature. 

  • Water. Water is life. Jump in the water (ocean, river, lake, etc.), drink more water, stand outside in the rain, and dance in the rain. Get to know more of our planet and learn how to dive, or start taking ice baths!

  • Go bird watching. You don't need to go to a dedicated place, but rather step outside and observe. How many different types of birds did you see? What colors were they? How did they sing? 

  • One of the most popular resolutions that people set up for themselves is to get fit, lose weight, and join a gym. We encourage you to opt outside for a jog or run, ride your bike, go rollerblading, learn to surf, or join a beach yoga class. Take the time to get fit and healthy while also connecting with nature. 

  • Sunrise to sunset. Make it a plan to commit to watching the sunrise and the sunset on the same day. Experience the beauty of a moving planet. 

  • Walk barefoot outside. Ground yourself into the depths of the Earth. 

  • Volunteer with local organizations that are doing things to help the environment. You will find yourself wanting to be of service to protect and create a healthier environment and a healthier you. 

We hope you have a great year ahead, and let us know of other suggestions so that we can share them with everyone. 


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