welcome to Blue

This initiative serves to safeguard the vitality and biodiversity of our oceans and coral reefs. We are dedicated to implementing innovative strategies, fostering community engagement, and advocating for sustainable MAR-ine ecosystems.


Beach cleanups

Join us to protect and preserve our beautiful coastlines through community-driven beach cleanups. We aim to foster a sense of environmental stewardship and educate participants on the impact of plastic pollution and marine debris. Our regular cleanups not only remove tons of waste from the beaches but also inspire lasting behavioral changes in our community. Through these efforts, we aim to create cleaner, safer habitats for wildlife and more enjoyable, pristine shorelines for everyone to cherish. Join us in our commitment to safeguarding the ocean.


More information coming soon!

floating classroom camps

Take MAR partnered with MISS (Minorities in Shark Science) for their annual summer camp. Their camp is a marine science program intended to provide accessible science experiences for teens 13-17 from historically excluded groups in STEM including: gender minorities, racial/ethnic minorities, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and individuals from low income communities.

Some of the activities facilitated during summer camp include: fishing, kayaking, snorkeling, field surveys, shark dissections, coding, data collection and analysis, science communication, and best of all, interacting and sharing with other students that are passionate about STEM. 

WANT TO support our Blue initiative?