Together, we are regenerating our environment and communities to promote a healthy, balanced, and interconnected ecosystem.


Action in NumberS

  • 0

    Community Volunteer Events

  • 0

    Native Trees

  • 0

    Volunteer Hours Completed

  • 0

    Pounds of Trash Collected

  • 0+

    Pounds of Invasive Plants Removed

  • 0

    Lifetime Volunteers

  • 2023 End of Year Report

    Every year, we will publish our yearbook showcasing some of the amazing moments we had.


    Friends of Our Urban Forest Award Outstanding Project

    The Florida Urban Forestry Council (FUFC) is pleased to announce that the Pinellas Trail Native Tree Planting project has been selected for the “2023 Outstanding Project” award in recognition of an exemplary collaborative effort benefitting the St. Petersburg urban forest. FUFC awards program recognizes outstanding professionals, individuals, advocacy groups, projects, and programs in urban forestry. The FUFC recognizes the Pinellas Trail Native Tree Planting project as an integral part of, functioning asset for, and living testimony to, the importance of urban forest resources in our urban/city landscapes.

    Give with confidence.

    100% of public donations received go directly to our initiatives.

    Before Take MAR was founded, we reached out to a small group of generous private donors to fund all of our operating expenses.

    Now, you can give with confidence knowing that your donation is directly impacting you and nature.

    We know that our mission is what connects amazing donors to Take MAR, which is why our operations expenses are fully covered.

    Operations expenses are crucial for Take MAR (and all other nonprofits!) because they allow us to create fun, challenging, and dynamic job opportunities, have the right tools and software needed, and help us stay organized and focused so that we can take ACTION.