Celebrating Conservation: A Day with Take MAR on Egmont Key Island

On Saturday, May 18th, Take MAR embarked on another impactful journey to Egmont Key Island with dedicated members of the Egmont Key Alliance Committee. Our goal: to nurture and preserve the natural beauty of this pristine wildlife refuge, ensuring its continued safety for the myriad of species that call it home.

With enthusiasm and determination, our group of seven members, accompanied by two of our Take MAR staff, set foot on the island ready for a day of meaningful work. Our first task: tackling the invasive weeds that threaten the island's ecosystem. The remnants of a bygone era, these weeds had taken root in the historic batteries, reminders of the island's past as a fort and military base. With sunscreen and hydration in mind, we worked tirelessly to remove these invaders, restoring balance to the landscape.

Our efforts didn't stop there. With a shared commitment to environmental stewardship, some members combed the batteries by picking up litter and debris. Keeping the island litter free ensures that Egmont Key remains a sanctuary for its feathered inhabitants and nesting sea turtles.

As we worked, we were privileged to witness the island's vibrant wildlife in action. Gopher tortoises ambled across our path, their ancient wisdom a testament to the island's untouched beauty. Egmont Key proved itself to be a haven for a diverse array of sea birds, from majestic pelicans to playful gulls. Against the bright blue sky, these winged creatures soared and swooped, finding solace and sustenance in the island’s protected embrace.

By the end of our work, the sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over Egmont Key and illuminating its natural wonders. After our productive morning of conservation efforts, we took a well-deserved break to connect with the island's pristine waters. With laughter and camaraderie, we ventured into the azure depths, feeling the cool embrace of the sea and marveling at the beauty that surrounded us.

While our time on Egmont Key drew to a close, we made our way back to the ferry, hearts full from a day of purpose and connection. But then, just as we thought our adventure couldn't get any more magical, a heart warming sight greeted us – a playful manatee breaching through the waters! This moment conveyed a gentle reminder of the preciousness of this sanctuary and the importance of our conservation efforts.

Our time on Egmont Key was more than just a volunteer event; it was a testament to the power of community and collective action. Together, we made a tangible difference in the preservation of this precious ecosystem, leaving behind a legacy of conservation and care.

As we sailed away from Egmont Key, our hearts were full, knowing that our efforts had helped to safeguard this natural treasure for generations to come. With each volunteer event, Take MAR continues to forge ahead, inspired by the boundless beauty of nature and fueled by the passion of those who believe in its protection.

You can be a part of this vital mission! Join the Egmont Key Alliance for just $25 a year and gain access to our impact days. Our next event is scheduled for June 15th, and we would love to have you join us in making a difference. Together, we can continue to preserve and protect the beauty of Egmont Key for generations to come.

Thank you to all who joined us on this journey. Together, we are making waves of change, one impact day at a time!


Making Waves for a Cleaner Ocean: Take MAR’s World Ocean Day Clean Up! 


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