Embarking on a Journey at Take MAR's Regenerate RX Retreat

On November 3rd, a group of kindred spirits gathered to turn a dream into reality at the enchanting Wonderfield Farm in Floral City, Florida. Take MAR’s dream, known as Regenerate RX, unfolded as a regenerative path to wellness—an immersive retreat focused on harnessing the healing powers of nature.

Take MAR's mission, encapsulated in the phrase "Regenerating the intricate connection of a healthy natural world and personal wellbeing," found its expression in the transformative atmosphere of Regenerate RX. The retreat was more than an escape; it was a clinical retreat focused on you and the healing powers of nature. 

Take MAR extends heartfelt gratitude to all who contributed to this transformative experience. To our research subjects who joined us, the dedicated facilitators who guided and inspired, and Wonderfield Farm for providing the perfect backdrop for this regenerative journey — thank you.

To all those who joined us, your presence was a crucial thread in the tapestry of Regenerate RX. Your commitment to personal growth and environmental stewardship did not go unnoticed, and for that, we are immensely grateful.

The journey began with participants, some opting to be part of our first research study, filling out pre-retreat forms and undergoing testing. As everyone arrived, the atmosphere became magical and transformative. Accommodations varied from camping to glamping and cozy cabins, setting the stage for a diverse yet united experience. 

Gathered around a small fire outside the main area became the backdrop for connections and shared intentions for our welcoming circle. After that, Tara Hubbard led the group on a walking tour and meditation through the Wonderfield Farm grounds, a former orange grove with a rich history known as Banes Grove.

The day continued with a mindful walking meditation, transporting participants on a sensory journey to live a more present, grateful, and awe-inspired life. Chef Devinne Whittaker delighted the group with a dinner crafted from Wonderfield Farm's regenerative garden and locally sourced Florida produce.

As the night settled in, Juliana Baron Cress, a Sound Therapy Healer, treated the group to a soul-soothing sound bath. The stage was set for an extraordinary second day.

The dawn of the second day greeted early risers with a sunrise at the gazebo, accompanied by warm tea courtesy of Devine. Tara Hubbard led the group in morning yoga, providing an opportunity to open minds and work bodies and spirits.

Certified Wim Hof instructor Aaron Dobiesz guided the group through breathwork under the sprawling oak tree, educating them on the history and benefits of breathwork and ice baths. Participants challenged themselves with their own one-on-one guided ice bath experience.

Tara returned with a garden immersion workshop, urging participants to connect with abundance through a regenerative garden. The day allowed for relaxation and self-discovery before a wilderness therapy workshop led by Sylvie Silva from the Cicada Institute. As the golden sun set, a wilderness therapy workshop unfolded, teaching the therapeutic benefits of reconnecting with nature. After dinner a magical Cacao ceremony led by Juliana was followed by ecstatic dancing around a bonfire, where true selves emerged! 

The third day commenced with morning meditation and breathwork led by Tara, followed by a beautiful closing circle. The retreat left participants feeling relaxed, regenerated, and armed with tools to continue their transformative journey of allowing nature to heal, recognizing that after all, we are nature.

As we look toward the future, keep an eye out for upcoming retreat dates. The journey doesn't end here; it evolves and continues. Regenerate RX is a testament to the potential for positive change when we align ourselves with the regenerative forces of nature.

In closing, Take MAR invites you to carry the spirit of Regenerate RX forward, fostering a renewed connection with the natural world and embracing the journey of personal regeneration. Together, we embark on a mission to regenerate the human-nature connection, leaving a positive impact on our environment and communities.


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