Drew Mclean

Board Member

Drew is a Florida native, that grew up in Stuart on Florida’s east coast. He moved to the Tampa Bay region in 2010 to work on his Master’s degree in Soil and Water Science at the University of Florida’s Gulf Coast Research and Education center (GCREC). After graduation, Drew worked as a researcher and lab manager for the Urban Tree Lab at GCREC for eight years. During this time, he really developed his passion and love for trees. Drew has received his International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Arborist Certification, Quantified Tree Risk Assessment (QTRA) Certification, and ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ). After spending many years as a researching arborist, Drew left the world of academics to join Pinellas County Urban Forestry and apply his knowledge to municipal arboricultural. He currently enjoys his new role as Operations Manager which allows him the opportunity to wear dual hats as an arborist and urban forester. In his free time, Drew likes to spend his time exploring new places on his paddle board and hiking through Florida’s unique ecosystems.