Why art matters when it comes to the environment

Art plays an important role. It can be used to raise awareness about environmental issues, connect people with nature, and inspire others to take action. At Take MAR we decided to use art as a way to connect others with their local community and environment, while at the same time conducting an experiment to see if painting a wall mural can prevent illegal dumping.

After months of effort to regenerate a portion of the Pinellas Trail by doing regular trash cleanups, and planning for a HUGE native tree planting, Take MAR was shocked by an area adjacent to the trail that continually kept pilling up trash due to illegal dumping. After multiple attempts of cleaning up and seeing piles of trash come back after just a few days, we thought, how do we prevent this from happening? Cue our experiment…

We connected with Caulin, AKA Trash Caulin and eco activist and content creator spreading awareness of trash around the world. Together we thought “What if we painted a mural where the dumping is happening?” Would this prevent others from putting their trash… in front of art?

Take MAR reached out to Derek Donnelly. A St. Petersburg native, artist, muralist, and artrepreneur. Stay tuned to see if our experiment works!

So why does art matter when it comes to the environment?

Art can inspire people to care and fall in love with nature

Art can be incredibly inspiring, and its ability to foster a connection with the environment is no exception. Art has the power to influence our passions and cause us to take a closer look at our natural surroundings. When it comes to caring and loving the environment, artwork has proven to be an effective way of engaging people positively in this area. Art appeals to multiple senses in us, from sight to touch and sound, thus creating a more immersive experience for those connecting with nature through artwork. Art does not only reveal beauty in nature but it also encourages changes in attitude for a more sustainable future.

Art can raise awareness about the environment

Art can be utilized in remarkable ways to bring attention to enlightening environmental issues and topics. Through art, we can start constructive conversations, create immersive art experiences, and encourage sustainable solutions. Artists have the unique ability to interweave art elements such as captivating visuals, potent lyrics or messages that are both aesthetically pleasing and informative. Not only does art catch people's attention and stimulate curiosity on issues they may not have known about before, but art also serves as an important educational tool because of how it relates varying topics such as the environment, climate change, sustainable structures and green energy solutions in creative artforms; from paintings to music and more.

Art can facilitate a connection with nature

Art gives us all the chance to have a unique, visual connection with nature. So many of us are so wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of life that we often lack the time to appreciate what nature has to offer. Whether it's through drawing, painting, sketching, or sculpting, creating art is a great way for everyone to take a moment and reconnect with the beauty and majesty of nature. What’s great about it too is that you don't need any specialized supplies - all you need is yourself– your creativity– and voila. 

Art can teach us about sustainable living practices

Sustainability isn't just something we talk about in class - it can also be explored right in front of us through art. There are countless examples of works of art that focus on eco-consciousness, demonstrating the importance of reusing, reducing and recycling materials. The power of art lies not only in its capacity to make us think, but to push us into action - to create change by considering new sustainable living practices that we may otherwise have overlooked.

Art can be used as a canvas to advocate for the environment

Art, as a canvas to promote advocacy, is one of the most timeless means of expressing resistance and solidarity. Throughout history, artists have used their art as a way to call attention to social issues and environmental degradation. From the mural paintings in caves of ancient indigenous communities to present day street art aiming to bring awareness to the climate crisis, art has always had great power in making our voices heard. No matter how art is expressed - through borrowing from world cultures or relying on its traditional forms - any style can be converted into a powerful tool for advocating for the environment.

Let's take one small step towards being better stewards of the planet by sharing our art about environmental topics or by simply joining an online discussion about nature conservation and sustainability. Together we can make an impactful difference in the world and improve the health of our planet for future generations to come. 


Support Nature and Love Nature from Home


Native Tree Planting on the Pinellas Trail