Trees Love Us Back: Celebrating Arbor Day
Written by Kristina Meek
If you’re a supporter of Take MAR, you’ve probably been known to hug a tree or two. You already know how important they are, so let’s talk about how we can celebrate Arbor Day and show trees some love.
Trees need us now more than ever. It could be said we need them more than ever, as well. With our hot summers and increasingly intense tropical storms, the Tampa Bay area relies on trees for shade, buffering the wind, helping clean our air, and slowing the movement of rain water into our streets and storm drains. Sadly, we’ve lost a lot of our leafy neighbors.
Following last year’s hurricanes, you undoubtedly saw toppled trunks everywhere you looked. The Tampa Bay Times reported that the City of St. Petersburg received more than 2,000 reports of downed trees immediately following Hurricane Milton. Estimates vary on the exact number lost across the Bay area, but we can all agree it was a lot!
We certainly hope you came through the storms safely. You may have lost trees of your own. Some homeowners actually chose to remove additional trees as a precaution against future disasters. Nobody wants a tree through their roof or, more importantly, to harm them or their families. It's understandable to have a little dendrophobia--that’s the fear of trees, but let’s keep things in perspective.
Remember, trees are on our side. We have to plant the right species in the right places and take good care of them. Live oaks, sabal palms, and southern magnolias are all examples of native trees that can help protect your property from damaging wind and storms. With proper planting and care, they can stand strong for decades. Check with the Arbor Day Foundation, University of Florida IFAS, or one of our local nurseries that specializes in native plants to learn more. There is no guarantee that a tree won’t take a tumble and cause damage, but their benefits can outweigh the risks if you plan well.
Celebrate Arbor Day by planting a native tree or, if you don’t have a yard of your own, helping someone else choose and plant one. You can also take a minute right now to sign up for one of our upcoming events to help regenerate the Tampa Bay landscape by planting and nurturing trees. Don’t fear the trees--Happy Arbor Day!